Talk for Change
In the course of our work at RB Media we connect with innovative charities, NGO’s and changemakers around the world. For our Talk for Change Project we publish interviews (and clips) with the people behind these projects. Our focus is on giving a platform to people whose lives and work remain relatively unreported outside their local region.
Satish Kumar, editor emeritus of Resurgence Magazine, talks about the vision behind the new Resurgence Centre in Hartland, North Devon.
Iain Leckie is a third generation Kenyan and proprietor of Lions Bluff in LUMO Community Wildlife Sanctuary Tsavo, Kenya. Here he talks about the community model of conservation, the fragile nature of their ecosystem and the delicate balance involved in conserving wildlife alongside the open cattle ranches.
In this clip Vi and Giang (audio only) talk about how their own background has shaped their motivation to work for Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation, a Hanoi based NGO that rescues and supports child victims of human trafficking and street children.
ETATU is a community education charity working in Msambweni on the south coast of Kenya. In this clip Abdalla, Halima, Rehema and Salama talk about its impact.
Jacquie Lindgren spent her early childhood in Kenya. Here she talks about ETATU, the inspiring community education charity she founded in Msambweni, Kenya.
Rahma and Mwanarusi work for pioneering mangrove conservation projects Mikoko Pamoja and Vanga Blue Forest in Southern Kenya. In this clip they talk about the challenges they face in their work as young women conservationists in their coastal communities in Kenya.
Adam Green talks about the Prison Choir Project which works to reduce reoffending, build self-esteem, and improve self-confidence and employability of prisoners— through collaborative music-making.
Following a 400 year absence, Beavers are back in the wild in Devon. Mark Elliott talks about the landmark River Otter Beaver Trial run by Devon Wildlife Trust and its partners.
Michael Brosowski talks about Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation, a pioneering legal advocacy NGO based in Hanoi, Vietnam that rescues child victims of trafficking and street children, and provides them with long term care & support.
The wartime diarist Dang Thuy Tram has been described as the ‘Vietnamese Anne Frank'. In this clip her mother Doan Tram and wartime nursing colleague Ta Thi Ninh reflect on how Thuy's knowledge of traditional herbal medicine helped in her work as a battlefield surgeon during the war in Viet Nam.